This project will mitigate cultural and logistical barriers to breastfeeding in Sunflower County by: (1) conducting targeted outreach and culturally appropriate communications to improve mother and family attitudes towards breastfeeding; (2) advocating for local workplace and child center policies conducive to breastfeeding; and (3) providing supplies, tools, and technical assistance to create and amplify use of nursing/pumping rooms in workplaces, child care centers, and other public spaces.


BUILD and its communities apply bold, upstream, integrated, local, and data-driven (BUILD) approaches to improve health in communities that are adversely affected by upstream factors.


This project seeks to fundamentally shift attitudes and norms at both the community level and individual level. We will invest in nursing facilities and revised workplace, daycare, and health provider policies to address the needs of black moms. Our coalition will align breastfeeding promotion activities across all maternal and infant initiatives, and the Delta Breastfeeding Coalition will be elevated as a critical decision-making platform to promote practical policy and programmatic changes.


Our project will improve the feasibility and convenience of breastfeeding by educating and preparing workplaces and childcare centers to accommodate breastfeeding moms and babies. We will induce and reinforce change in vital sectors and institutions, including local government officials, schools, social service providers, police officers, healthcare providers, childcare staff, and legal advocates to support lasting, population-level change and promote a baby-friendly Sunflower County.


We will rely on several existing networks, coalitions, and robust family health programs to braid our collective resources and ensure capacity to engage in a comprehensive, resident-driven initiative. Delta Health Alliance will use its successful home visitation program to connect mothers with the Health Department’s peer-to-peer support for mothers (Baby Café) to align protocols for breastfeeding education and support throughout all phases of pregnancy and postpartum medical visits across partners.


This project was shaped by direct input of over 500 participants in Delta Health Alliance’s early childhood and health literacy programs with whom parent educators, community health workers, and navigators have forged trusting, deep relationships with women and families in Sunflower County.


This BUILD project seeks to will replicate aspects of succesful initiatives from Pennsylvania and Brooklyn to promote and support breastfeeding, adapted to meet the needs of rural families. The evaluation team will employ structured interviewing, qualitative data analysis, and community-based participatory action, to systematically collect the input of community members and use it to drive the project.